Association of Interior REALTORS® - Okanagan Branch

Sales by Price Range

Single Detached

The market for single detached homes was tightest in the range $800K-$900K, where demand was strongest relative to supply.

Single detached homes in the price range $900K-$1M spent the least amount of time on market prior to selling in the second quarter.


The market for townhouse units was tightest in the ranges below $600K, where demand was strongest relative to supply.

Townhouse units in the price range $800K-$900K spent the least amount of time on market prior to selling in the second quarter.


The market for apartment units was tightest in the range $400K-$500K, where demand was strongest relative to supply.

Apartment units in the price range $500K-$600K spent the least amount of time on market prior to selling in the second quarter.

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